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Batok Comany Visits the Chair at College of Pharmacy

Within Sheikh Abdullah bin Zaid bin Ghoneim Research Chair efforts for the Prophetic medicine and the development and manufacture of natural products,  Mr. Yasser Musa Abu Rashid, Director Quality confirmation in  Batouk Company paid a visit to the College of Pharmacy - Salman Bin Abdulaziz University - on Wednesday, 11/22/1435 AH corresponding to 17 / 9/2014 to see what has college potential and to stand on its own activities in the chair and discuss the possibility of cooperation between the company and chair of research for the purpose of producing some lotions and natural marketed ongoing research,  Prof.  Khalid bin Mohammed Kherfy Dean and supervisor of  the chair and Prof.  Majid Saad Abdul Qadir professor of the chair and  Mr. Nasser bin Abdullah Al-Mousa, Director of Finance and Administration college, toured the college research labs with the Company delegets.

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