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Editor in Chief of Aljazeera newspaper visited research Unit

Within the framework of the inauguration of Aljazeera newspaper Media and Development chair in the presence of the Rector, Dr. Abdulrahman bin Mohammed Alasemi  and Mr. Khalid bin Hamad owner and editor of Aljazeera newspaper  and a delegation from the University visited the college to see what potential of the college has and  and to be highlighted on the ongoing research in Sheikh Abdullah bin Zaid chair for  Therapeutics medicine of the Prophet and the development and manufacture of natural products  and achievements the college.

The Visits took place on Sunday, 26/11/1435 H corresponding to 21/09/2014 AD at eleven thirty in the morning the delegation was received by  Prof. Dr. / Khalid bin Mohammed Kherfa Dean and the supervisor of the chair  Prof.  Majid Saad Abdul Qadir and members of the faculty, as the delegation toured research labs in the college.

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